1-3 Months Before Your Session

Because I book pretty fast, its important that you book your Senior Session early! I book seniors Monday – Thursday around 6:00pm in the summer, as that is when the beautiful golden light is best! Contact me to book your session early to ensure you get the best dates! Browse senior sessions on my blog and website to check out my style, and start thinking about location types you may want (urban, nature, etc)

1-4 Weeks Before Your Session

Narrow down location ideas. You don’t have to think up specific locations, but decide if you would like more urban, nature, etc. Most of my clients like a good mix and just trust my judgement, but let me know if you have any specific ideas!

Narrow down your outfits. I typically say one for every 15 minutes to half hour.

If you wear glasses, see if you can borrow or rent a simliar pair without lenses. Glare from glasses are very hard to photoshop and transitional lenses are nearly impossible to see your eyes during outdoor photoshoots. Contacts are also an option. If your glasses glare too much, we will likely have to take a photo of you with and without your glasses for every pose we do, which can take up more time.

If you want a brighter smile, start a teeth whitening regimen early.

The Week Before Your Session

Iron your clothing and add any jewelry or accessories that you will be coordinating with that outfit on a hanger.

Gather and Clean props. Musical Instruments, Cars, etc should be shiny and clean.

It is imperative to get plenty of sleep the week before your session, as well as the night before. It does truly help with skin and health!

Apply chapstick all week long. It is nearly impossible to photoshop chapped lips, to keeping those lips moisturized is a must!

The day of your session

Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get ready. Make sure your hands and nails are groomed, eyebrows tidy, etc. All of the details will matter when the photos are enlarged and hung on the wall.

Eat well before your session, don’t come hungry and bring a snack and some water! Especially if its warm out, bring plenty of water to drink!

Bring a pair of flip flops to wear in between sessions. Some of the locations I shoot at may inquire a little bit of climbing or walking, so being comfortable to get there is a must!

Most importantly, come ready to have fun!