You might recall seeing this sweet little on my website a lot lately! I had such a great time photographing her! She was such a doll during her session, giving us all sorts of cheesy smiles and facial expressions! We really got a good mix of everything, from super serious to super cheesy!

I loved the outfits Shayla picked out for her daughter! She used a common theme, pink, and then paired up some denim overalls, a denim vest and a polka dot vest with her blouses. Shayla picked out the cutest hair bow and topped it off with some adorable boots to accessorize!

I usually warn moms to stay away from bulky vests, but Shayla’s daughter is at the perfect age for vests. Usually if kiddos are still not mobile, vests can bunch up in their faces and make them look uncomfortable.

You can never go wrong with denim to break up pattern! Anything from vests, jean jackets, and overalls are perfect accessories to break up busy patterns but also add a flare to simple outfit choices as well!

Picking out a super cute pair of boots or shoes, a hair bow or even a simple hat can really add some flare to a photoshoot! Don’t hesitate to ask if you need some ideas to spice up your kiddos wardrobe for their shoot!